This is our front yard in Yerushalayim, and yes it is snow that you see. Today was the first day it snowed, and it was beautiful.
Sunday, December 24, 2006
We spent a few days of Chanukah by the dead sea. It was beautiful and sunny. The hotel was full of Israeli entertainment and we really enjoyed ourselves.
Tuesday, December 12, 2006
happy birthday ety.
learning for my smicha test in our dining room. ( which i past b.t.w. )
me and moshechaninlearningsmicha.
moshy witkes and mendy medaly, the other yungerman's that come to the rap to daven.
davening with rabbi avtzon in a little shteble in nachlaot. the rap learns here along side a bunch of alteyidalach who are almost as old as the shul is, which is of the oldest in Jerusalem.
me giving my weekly tanyashiur, with the rap boys after kolel.
Friday, December 1, 2006
me and bubby went to zaidy y.m. edelman's kaver on har haminuchos. the grave is 30 years old and you can barely read the word's. but there was a old man there who said he will clean it for 400 sheq. what do you think?